Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Tatra Mountains

Well, I know I didn' write here for a very long period, but I really didn't have a lot of time. This is the first post in english, and from now on I think I'm only gonna write in English because this is ment to be an international page.

This post is in fotolog style, because i really believe that a picture is better than words and it says much more!

We arrived at Bialy Dunaiec Wednesday night and after sleeping, the next morning we climbed a mountain (it took us abput 5 hours of walking) and here is the proof: We're stronger than a pile of rocks!!! ;)

At night we ate traditional polish food, while we were listening to traditional polish music... Without wanting to hurt any polish, I must tell that I really preffer Portuguese food... Oh, I miss it so much!!...

As you can observe in the next photo, one of the trip rules was: "Once you start drinking, You MUST NEVER STOP" so, like i started drinking in the bus travel to Bialy, I didn't stop anymore, and as you can see, I was not the only one following the rule!...

Of course we had some rest, mainly in the green of the mountains, because the nights were reserved to party...

Follows a traditional barbecue, i must tell that when you just eat a sausage and a piece of bread for dinner, you get drunk realy easy, and realy fast... Oh that SPECIAL alcoholic tea killed me...

The last picture is an general overview of the mountains...

To finish, I must tell you hat this has been a really great experience, and also that another trip to Tatra for skying is being arranged by the International Relations Office, because this time we didn'see any snow...

Hope to post something new soon, but now I will start to study a bit because, for now, my vacations are finished

Monday, October 02, 2006


Aulas de polaco...

Pois, quanto à língua polaca, tenho algumas considerações a fazer...

Era mais fácil aprender Espanhol, Francês, Alemão e Italiano ao mesmo tempo que esta coisa a que chamam língua.

O facto de haver uma carrada de letras novas que só diferem das normais nos acentos (sim! os C's levam acentos) não ajuda muito...

Três consoantes seguidas podem ser muito difíceis de ler...

Para finalizar digo:

Se sair daqui a saber dizer meia dúzia de palavras em polaco sou um autêntico herói!!!

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